In just over a week, June 24th sees 'Bring Your Dog To Work' Day return. Hooray!

#BringYourDogToWorkDay is an annual nationwide event that raises money for charities dedicated to making a difference to the welfare of dogs.

Last year, businesses from across the UK (including vet surgeries, pet product manufacturers, investment firms, national energy companies, estate agents, private jet charters and...

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5 Central London Dog-Friendly Shops

Sometimes it feels like london isn't such a dog friendly city, especially when it comes to doing everyday things such as shopping, but here are a few shops that welcome our best friends as long as they are on their best behaviour, and why wouldn't they be?! Over time I'll let you know about other dog friendly places but here are 5 to start us off...

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Dealing With Fear In Dogs

We too often assume that dogs can think and feel as we do, but they don’t. Dogs don’t think Right vs. Wrong, they think Safe vs. Dangerous, and so if something feels unsafe to them (scary), they will defend themselves, try to get that scary thing to move away, or at least move away from the situation......

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Hollywood & Dogs

Uggie from the wonderful 2011 Black & White, silent movie The Artist died early August. This was very sad news indeed, but it made me want to have another look at some old pictures of Hollywood stars and their dogs from as early as 1916 to the 20s, 30s and up to the 60’s. I have, on one of my shelves at home, a wonderful book called Hollywood Dogs; here are a few...

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Driving With Dogs

If your dog becomes anxious when traveling by car, he might show signs of stress such as panting, drooling or even vomiting. This is not fun for you, but even less fun for your dog. Very often the first experience a puppy has of a car journey is the day he leaves his mum and littermates; and the second, his first trip to the vet. So is it any wonder he finds stepping into this large noisy thing stressful?...

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